
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Valley Park, Missouri at 7:00 p.m. Monday, July 10, 2023, in Council Chambers of City Hall, 320 Benton Street, Valley Park, Missouri and via ZOOM (link to be found at to consider rezoning from the single-family “R-1” and Non-Urban “NU” districts to the single-family “R-2” district for the properties at 266 Vance Road and 2 Francis Avenue. The petitioner proposes to develop a 24-unit single-family attached townhome development on the combination of the two properties at this location. At said hearing, interested parties and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. Any questions or inquiries should be directed to John Brancaglione,  contracted city planner, at 314-655-4308 during regular business hours.

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Yahl Homes 2 Francis-266 Vance Rezoning-Memo