Public Hearing Notice - 839 Meramec Station Road

Public Hearing

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 27, 2020. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Valley Park, Missouri at 7:00 p.m. Monday, April 27, 2020. Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic and National Emergency Declaration, this meeting will only available to the general public via on-line broadcast. Pursuant to Sec. 610.015, elected officials may participate by being physically present at city hall or via teleconference. This public hearing will be broadcast from the Council Chambers of City Hall, 320 Benton Street, Valley Park, Missouri to consider the following applications related to the following properties: 839 Meramec Station Road – A Conditional Use Permit for the purpose of a medical marijuana dispensary. At said hearing interested parties and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard. Any questions or inquiries should be directed to Dusty Hosna, City Clerk, at 636-861-1385 during regular office hours.

There will be a Public Hearing as part of this Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. The link to participate in this meeting is posted below. The entire meeting will be streamed on Facebook Live.

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Meeting ID: 854 8806 5951
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  *610.015.  Votes, how taken. — Except as provided in section 610.021, rules authorized pursuant to Article III of the Missouri Constitution and as otherwise provided by law, all votes shall be recorded, and if a roll call is taken, as to attribute each "yea" and "nay" vote, or abstinence if not voting, to the name of the individual member of the public governmental body.  Any votes taken during a closed meeting shall be taken by roll call.  All public meetings shall be open to the public and public votes and public records shall be open to the public for inspection and duplication.  All votes taken by roll call in meetings of a public governmental body consisting of members who are all elected, except for the Missouri general assembly and any committee established by a public governmental body, shall be cast by members of the public governmental body who are physically present and in attendance at the meeting or who are participating via videoconferencing.  When it is necessary to take votes by roll call in a meeting of the public governmental body, due to an emergency of the public body, with a quorum of the members of the public body physically present and in attendance and less than a quorum of the members of the public governmental body participating via telephone, facsimile, internet, or any other voice or electronic means, the nature of the emergency of the public body justifying that departure from the normal requirements shall be stated in the minutes.  Where such emergency exists, the votes taken shall be regarded as if all members were physically present and in attendance at the meeting.